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Placing Rubber Mats
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Placing Rubber Mats

Mats butt into each other as tightly as possible, trimmed when necessary and laid flush with the walls. A knobby top and a ridged bottom finish aid in shock absorption as well as allowing the flow of liquids under the mats, in line with the natural fall of a concrete slab.

Laying Stable Flooring Cleaning Placing Rubber Mats Measuring Finish

Rubber Flooring For Horse Stables

Rubber flooring is designed to be placed in horse stables over the top of concrete instead of a thick layer of timber shavings or sawdust to reduce impact on the legs and joints on a horse. When using sawdust, a minimum thickness of 150mm is required on the stable floor and a sawdust stopper under the door is needed to prevent the sawdust migrating into the alleyway.

The use of rubber flooring saves clean up time dramatically on a daily basis.

Preferably, a small amount of sawdust will still be used in conjunction with the rubber flooring, with however, much less time needed to maintain the sawdust bed. The sawdust can be placed on one side of the stable, or in the centre, and a horse will quietly learn to use that area of the stable to urinate and defecate.

Bitumen paint is applied to walls and panels to a height of 150mm before placing mats. The underside of the panel should be similarly treated before standing. The bitumen paint will increase the longevity of any steel, timber or ply exposed to moisture.

Size of rubber sheets - 1830mm x 1220mm x 17mm.

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Site created:Aug 27, 2007
Page last updated:November 22, 2023

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